For those who wish to memorialize a loved one or place a dedication along the Capital Crescent Trail, those opportunities are provided by the nonprofit fundraising partners of the government organizations that own and maintain the trail. For the section of CCT in Washington, DC, this is the C&O Canal Trust. For the section of CCT in Montgomery County, MD, this is the Montgomery Parks Foundation. Contact links for them and their Memorial/Dedication opportunities are below. A primary option that both offer is to place a bench with a dedication along the trail.
CCT in Washington, DC - owned and maintained by National Park Service
- C&O Canal Trust
- Gifts in Honor or Memory
- Bench Program
- Benches Along the C&O Canal (includes the CCT)
CCT in Maryland - owned and maintained by Montgomery Parks
- Montgomery Parks Foundation
- Dedication Opportunities - includes benches
Both bench programs were on hold as of June 2020 due to reduced operations during the pandemic, but that situation appears to have ended.