A regular meeting of the Board of the Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail was held at 7:00 pm, on October 22, 2018 at the Connie Morella (formerly Bethesda) Branch of the Montgomery County, Maryland, Library.
- Treasurer’s report. Tony is considering combining the two accounts we now have into one. Tony will visit the Parks Foundation to review how the funds for the Neal Potter Plaza have been distributed.
- Expenses. Include the costs of moving to a new, lower cost, storage shed, communicating with our supporters via mailing list, and streamlining the process for soliciting and accepting donations.
Trail Crossing at Little Falls Parkway. Discussion of the three crossing options presented by Parks at the review for the Bethesda Bicycle Master Plan at the Bethesda Bike Network Community Meeting on Tuesday, October 9, 2019. The three options were:
- A speed table,
- A crossing at the corner of the Little Falls Parkway and Arlington Road, and
- An overpass.
- It was noted that the CCCFH, a coalition of neighborhood groups, feels the parkway should have 2 lanes in each direction, rather than the single lane in the plans. In contrast, WABA feels that having 2 lanes in each direction was the cause of the fatal accident leading to the current arrangement.
- It was suggested that the CCCT withhold its comments on these options until after the election, then make its opinion known via various public outlets, such as Bethesda Beat.
- Tunnel under Wisconsin Avenue. It was suggested that the CCCT testify in support of both the tunnel under Wisconsin Avenue and the surface trail along Bethesda Avenue and across Wisconsin Avenue at the upcoming Planning Board Meeting. According to the Capital Trails Coalition, no decision has been made on completing the tunnel under Wisconsin Avenue.
- Neal Potter Plaza. At the north end of the Plaza, some trees have been cut as part of the cleanup process. Jenny Sue offered to help Michael Ma with the planning process. Lynn is sending invites to donors. The triosk has been installed, with glass, no information has been posted yet. The information has been prepared. Security Storage will be sending a representative to the ribbon cutting. Rails to Trails will be attending as well. The program is still unknown.
- It was noted that the CCCT has agreed to pay for plaza maintenance for three years.
- Bells & Whistles. Slated for October 27th. Rain is forecast; may be cancelled.
Fall Retreat. Upon completion of the Neal Potter Plaza, it is time plan our future activities. We have ideas and will soon have more resources at hand.
New dates for the Fall Retreat are now January 12th & 26th.
Pam Goodwin offered to host the retreat. - One topic for the future is to find an engineer to review updates to light rail plans to ensure the trail is to be built as promised. We could pay the engineer. We could ask for engineers on our mailing list. We could work with WABA on finding & funding the engineer.