A regular meeting of the Board of the Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail was held at 7:00 pm, on July 2, 2018 at the Bethesda Branch of the Montgomery County, Maryland, Library.
- Expenses. Upcoming expenses include materials for Bells & Whistles events, printing costs, storage unit fees, meeting space fees, and insurance.
- Storage Unit. A motion was passed to move the storage unit to Security Storage.
- Elections. Ed Comer was elected as a second vice-chair with the intention that he will become Chair next year.
- QR Codes. A suggestion was made to place QR codes beside CCCT boxes and signs on the trail. These will enable trail users to access the CC Trail map and the website from their cell phones. Will Strang will prepare these.
- River Road Park. Tracking down the donors of bricks and pavers for the Park in order to obtain the information needed for labeling these items has proven to be time-consuming. Lynn Balzer-Martin has managed to accomplish it.
- Coordination with WABA and CTC. Ron Tripp, President, has proposed, and WABA’s Katie Harris is arranging, a meeting of CCCT, WABA, & CTC for the purpose of developing a unified position on, and jointly monitoring, progress on both the Trail alongside the Purple Line and changes to the intersection where the CC Trail crosses the Little Falls Parkway.
- Capital Crescent Trail Crossing at Little Falls Parkway. Our goals: Least impact on the status quo, minimize cyclist and automobile diversion, and safety. The board has long-term and short-term recommendations.
- Bells & Whistles. The suggestion was made to increase both the number of Bells & Whistles events and to increase the number of board members trained to do them.