2018-02-12 Board Meeting Notes

A regular meeting of the Board of the Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail was held at 7:00 pm, on February 12, 2018 at the Chevy Chase Branch of the Montgomery County Library.


  • River Road Park: Construction is scheduled to start on February 19, 2018.
  • On behalf of the Board, Ron Tripp appeared at the Council hearing on the Ourisman Trail settlement on February 6, 2018. The Hearing is described in a February 6 article of Bethesda Beat.
  • Jenny Sue Dunner reported current brick and paver counts as 37 and 12, respectively; she expects a few more donors of each type will be forthcoming.
  • A discussion of the contents of the 3-sided sign at the River Road Park concluded:
    •     Side 1. Recognition of Ms. Lee Wick Dennison as the major and initial donor; and other donors.
    •     Side 2. A history of the area. A history has been compiled by David Kathan.
    •     Side 3. Trail information.
  • Capital Trails Coalition. The Board discussed the pros and cons of joining with the Capital Trails Coalition. The CTC has a large number of members, good contacts, and might be help with monitoring the trail reconstruction alongside the Purple Line.
  • The date for Bike to Work day is: Friday, May 18, 2018. Frank and Pam Agreed to work at the Georgetown stop.