2018-09-17 Board Meeting Notes

A regular meeting of the Board of the Coalition for the Capital Crescent Trail was held at 7:00 pm, on September 17, 2018 at the Bethesda Branch of the Montgomery County, Maryland, Library.


  • River Road Park. Tony Marra, Treasurer, stated that $324,325 has been given to the River Road Park over the past 3 years. Also, the CCCT is responsible for approximately $5,000 per year for the next three years for park upkeep. The name change from River Road Park to the Neal Potter Plaza at the Capital Crescent Trail will be announced soon by the Parks Department. Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for the Neal Potter Plaza is scheduled for November 3, 2018, 10am-12pm with the actual ceremony to start at 10:30pm. There will be a media news release prior to the event.
  • Bells & Whistles. Next event is scheduled for Saturday, Oct 27, 2018.
  • CCCT brochure boxes. Some brochure boxes need to be replaced; the replacements should have a clear plastic front so the brochure can be seen, yet protected from the elements.
  • New gate and bike lanes. The new gate and bike lanes at K St. & Water St. in Georgetown have been completed. The change will be evaluated in a month by the ANC2, and other official groups involved in the planning for these changes.
  • Storage unit. Materials are being transferred to the new unit, old shelving is being tossed.
  • CC Trail crossing at Little Falls Parkway. Lynn Balzer-Martin reported that the public mostly wants one lane in each direction to stay closed permanently, and a speed table.