Seeking witnesses to bike crash on Capital Crescent Trail on Sun Nov 25
The following inquiry is being posted at the request of a Trail user. Please reply directly to that user as indicated below.
The crash occurred at about 2:05 pm on Sunday Nov. 25. This was the Sunday right after Thanksgiving, and the weather was one of the nicest fall days we have had. The trail was crowded. The location of the crash was about 3/4 mile West of the Georgetown end of the trail.
The woman involved in the crash was seriously injured. Please contact us if you witnessed the crash or can help us locate anyone who did. Please send email to [email protected] or call/text 202-469-1371
The circumstances of the crash were: Two women were riding westbound (i.e. towards Bethesda) when an older man (also westbound) attempted to pass them. A woman and her boyfriend were riding together eastbound and the woman was injured in the crash. The two women riding westbound were blameless in this crash.
If anyone has suggestions on other ways we can locate witnesses, that would be helpful.